Transforme sua vida

Terapia online e presencial

Como viver de forma leve e equilibrada através do autoconhecimento

Autoconhecimento Autoestima Autocuidado

Saúde mental e equilíbrio

Atendimento especializado para adultos e adolescentes.

rule of thirds photography of pink and white lotus flower floating on body of water
rule of thirds photography of pink and white lotus flower floating on body of water
brown and gray stone near body of water during daytime
brown and gray stone near body of water during daytime
a wooden walkway in the middle of a forest
a wooden walkway in the middle of a forest

Apoio em sua jornada

Seu Caminho ao Equilíbrio

Não é possível mudar os acontecimentos , mas é possível mudar a maneira de lidar com eles e também mudar a si próprio. É um processo de transformação que permite novas perspectivas e formas de viver.

two hands
two hands

Juntos na jornada

Transformação Pessoal


Transtornos e Angústias
man in blue crew neck shirt
man in blue crew neck shirt

Ansiedade, depressão, stress, relacionamentos afetivo-emocionais, pessoais e de trabalho.

person in red hoodie standing on snow covered ground
person in red hoodie standing on snow covered ground
woman in white long sleeve shirt standing near body of water during daytime
woman in white long sleeve shirt standing near body of water during daytime

Acompanhamento especializado em questões emocionais durante a adolescência.

Transtornos alimentares: compulsão alimentar, anorexia, bulimia, sofrimento com o comer e com a imagem corporal.

Abordagem Integrativa

Fazer terapia me ajudou a entender meus sentimentos e a encontrar equilíbrio na vida. Me sentir acolhida fez toda a diferença na minha jornada.

Marinês S.

A grassy area with a tall metal structure in the foreground, possibly a water tower, with a ladder attached. There are people walking on a dirt path that runs through the scene. The path leads to several buildings with varied roofing, one of which is marked as a mental health unit. Trees and other vegetation are visible in the background under a partly cloudy sky.
A grassy area with a tall metal structure in the foreground, possibly a water tower, with a ladder attached. There are people walking on a dirt path that runs through the scene. The path leads to several buildings with varied roofing, one of which is marked as a mental health unit. Trees and other vegetation are visible in the background under a partly cloudy sky.


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Quanto dura cada sessão? 50 minutos

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